Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Return to Phuket

We returned to Yacht Haven Marina via a circuitous route of various other islands.
total voyage distance being 495nm - heaps of actual sailing. Fabulous time, however Jo and Chris are booked out on NY day.

Kamala Beach, resupply stop, and dinner

Seems happy with his bargaining skills

Not much happening out there on the ocean ,obviously technology appears more attractive than the view

Ah catamarans- bet you cant do this so easily on a mono!

Hmmm- dont think that is the way to rapid promotion young man
Something sure is interesting down there!

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Photos from under the sea at the Similan islands

this one gave me a start when it appeared in my peripheral vision


finally a decent photo of a Moorish Idol

Guess who?

Surin Island Underwater World



On patrol!

something yummy causing feeding frenzy

Crown of Thorn- never seen this colour at home.

Waites Pipe Fish - not a seahorse

before the middle ear issue


Not me!

Christmas Eve 2016

Christmas Eve:

On the off chance that Santa was looking for us , or really as it turned out, in case Rudolph's nose ran out of puff, Jo created our Christmas light display, which the photos just don't do justice. There we were with red nose flashing away all night- to no avail as it turned out, on the visitation front!

However the groups of night divers, seemed  happy enough to use the new beacon in town, as a point to start their dives from.


Meanwhile it was time to be creative and muster up a Christmas Tree.
A driftwood twiggy branch, an emptied plastic drink bottle, some sand and some decorations created from off cuts that certain of my acquaintances, who obviously don't have my innate artistic streak, would have binned as rubbish were called into play.
The decorations were meaningful to us in the context of events that had occurred during the trip, plus a couple of tree decoration shapes.
Chris helped , which intrigued Jo as he always finds something more pressing to do at home , at tree time.