Sunday 8 January 2017

Nai Yang bay and the launch of the kite surfer

Thursday 15th December.

We didn’t leave until 1000 after a snorkel around the point. Moray Eels , Leopard and Brown being the most significant sightings.
Increasing NW'ly winds had us anchoring in Nai Yang Bay by 1415. As the wind hit 20kts, Steve decided it was time to give his kite surfer a bit of an outing.
Nai Yang Bay is apparently a hot destination for kite surfers , in the other season, the SW Monsoon.

Having unstowed and  rigged it at the peak of the velocity for the afternoon, he did manage a one way trip to the beach, before the wind had decreased to such an extent that it was impossible to get the kite airborne again.
So now I have seen K'Gari used as a kite surfer launch pad!

Went ashore for dinner in the evening.

Friday 16th December 2016

I have made mention elsewhere of  runways I have anchored near or under and  Nai Yang Bay , scores double points as this means I have passed directly under both the approach and departure of Phuket International.
Phuket International from the WEST
In case you are wondering , there is a curfew. It commences about 2330 and  finishes obviously about 0330!

So up betimes to watch the planes take off, may as well as I was awake listening to them , but it's always nice to see that they are actually going to clear over you, even if it doesn't sound like it!
inbound from the eastern end of the runway
outbound from the west
will it clear? 

Saturday 17th December

Onwards to Khao Lak. This was the the area most devastated by the Boxing Day Tsunami, as the coast  is flat with relatively shallow water,  I can see why. Wrong spot , wrong time.

We again managed to set the MPS when the afternoon breeze kicked in, only to drop it a couple of hours later as a thunderstorm approached.

We anchored in 4.5m,  4 cables ,(¾ of a kilometer) offshore and went ashore for a meal and a spot of limited exploring.

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