Monday 22 January 2018

Waecicu Beach. Labuan Bajo. Flores

We anchored in this delightfully quiet bay, just a headland north of the port of Labuan Bajo on the island of Flores .We were working on the basis that if we needed to go to 'town' we could , by taxi (10-15mins ) and thus bypass the necessity (or otherwise) depending on your information source, of having to pay the Harbour Master a visit.

What we were in need of, was topping up the mobile phones.

We went ashore to the Plataran Resort which was nestled in the northern end of the bay. They were happy for us to be there , so we dined at the restaurant by the water (Atlantis on the Rock), which gave us a birds eye view of both K'Gari at anchor and the ominous grey clouds that were building steadily to the south. The meal was delightful although we did over indulge as Peter has a particular weakness for banana fritters, which unfortunately were on the menu. One dish between us would have been more than adequate, but we didn't know that, so instead in a moment of weakness I ordered a serving as well.
That's about 10 too many, on top of the nasi goreng and chicken satay.
It wasn't  your standard single banana fritter , it was an entire plate of them , or to be more precise two plates!

The incredibly helpful and obliging Anton at the resort proper assisted us with the mystery of the phone recharge- something that is still a total mystery to me, but we had discovered very early in the our time in Indonesia ,that resorts  seem to be able to add recharge amounts to your phone. Thus we left both sated and recharged and avoiding the necessity of going to 'town'.

Our first foray on Flores being concluded to our entire satisfaction

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