Tuesday 14 June 2016

Nha Trang and the first sighting.

Sunday 31st May 2015

Nha Trang

From the hotel room balcony, without binoculars, it's just possible make out the shapes and sizes of four sails, away to the south. One of them , the one with the  greyish coloured sail, is the one of greatest interest .

It's been 16 months in the gestation, and tomorrow will be the first time to stand on board her as she floats.

 She had been inspected, when in HCMC, still a work in motion in the yard , but not finished by any means.

Yesterday evening, with almost  uncontainable  anticipation building, a quick taxi ride down to the port area , had allowed the first  sighting  of her afloat,  as she rode on her mooring.

So near and yet so far.

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