Monday, 7 May 2018

Has the coral spawned?

From Keswick to Mackay is only a 15 mile run and I planned to use the morning flooding tide to run down from Keswick Island. Another brilliant idea, as there was absolutely no wind.
The surface of the water gave every impression that the coral may have indeed spawned, even though the full moon was in fact this very night.
Aced it into my allotted berth, the tightest manoeuvre yet, and of course not a single observer to note the effortless (apparently) berthing. It is a well acknowledged truism, that it  will only be  when the manoeuvre is turning to custard  (quicker than it sets in a microwave)  that there is an audience on hand- NEVER when its perfect!! 
Spent the rest of the afternoon sorting out the anodes and saildrive oil, tools and things needed for the haul out tomorrow.
Enjoyed a delightfully tender steak at the old yacht club.

First rubbish run since Cairns producing the  evidence  of our totally balanced diet for the last fortnight, and I wont put my hand for either the coke or the milk!

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