Wednesday 16 May 2018

Keppel Islands

A night at Pearl Bay, well half a night, as we didn't tuck right inside, an early start at 0200,when the wind swung and the anchorage became choppy- well if you awake you may as well go somewhere.....

Dropped the sails again about 0400 as the small amount of  wind , was right astern and the main was flogging. As soon as it was sunrise, I was eager to get the mighty pretty sail out again, much to Jo's disdain- she doesn't find it relaxing at all when the MPS is up. Apparently  I make her tense, something about not wrapping it around the cross trees! To help her get over this 'fear', the breeze was perfect so we sailed, without incident,from 0600 -1400 with the MPS. Yee ha! The longest run so far with the MPS.

Cape Manifold  in the distance in the early morning sun

Arrived at Great Keppel Island- one look at the 'crowds' anchored off the main beach and we hightailed it round to Long Beach, which was much more to our taste with only half a dozen others , well spread out, in the available anchorages in the bay.
Long Bay anchorage in the evening

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