Sunday, 21 June 2020

Replacement parts or lack of.

Initial feedback from the chandler appeared to be good,...... for a couple of hours.....then the news became less promising the following morning.
Unfortunately it was both now a weekend and the weekend of the Wooden Boat Festival, so sourcing replacements for  smashed and catastrophically failed blocks possibly wasn't the absolute priority at the chandlers.Once it was confirmed that the parts were unobtainable in Tasmania and would have to come from the mainland there was not really much else that could be done until Monday morning.
The rally was due to depart on Wednesday, but it's only an hours flight away to the mainland, so hope was not  completely dashed....yet!

So off to the Wooden Boat Festival.

Jo  flies in this afternoon. Peter tomorrow.

We will see what Monday brings.
The block that parted company with the track car.

The RHS of this is supposed to look exactly like the LHS
It clearly no longer does after just 3.5years!

Sheave on the footblock that smashed when the jib block became detached

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